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Esports Illustrated

Introducing Esports Illustrated, a media brand built in partnership with Sports Illustrated and The Arena Group.

Esports Illustrated is dedicated to bringing life to the world of esports through its compelling storytelling and community-based Creator Network.

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"Everything Esports"

Esports Illustrated is dedicated to bringing life to the world of esports, providing on-the-scene coverage of major events and peering behind the scenes of some of the biggest games out there.


Responsible first and foremost to our viewers, the brand is dedicated to tough, but fair coverage of the games and teams that propel esports forward while also celebrating the fun that has made life-long fans of gamers around the world and in all walks of life.

UPDATE: Esports Illustrated launched in April 2023!

Our values are:


The gold standard of video games always has been and always will be whether or not it’s fun. We play games because we love the emotions they make us feel, the rush we get from competing, and above all else because they’re fun. Our brand is dedicated first and foremost to preserving this most sacred of duties and reminding our audience why we’re all gamers.




Gaming has evolved the way we, as people, socialize. There is no one person anymore who makes up the ‘prototypical gamer.’ Instead, the audience is now as diverse as can be and our staff and writing must recognize that. It is our responsibility as a brand to ensure that we are always inclusive, not exclusive. 


There is no shorter way to describe our journalistic ethos than “Tough, but fair.” Esports and gaming have shown that in the wrong hands, they can be a dangerous and predatory industry and it will be our mission to ensure such things don’t fester in the darkness. We will be committed to the facts, no matter who they support, but we will always be fair.




We are asking for the audience’s trust in our opinion, and that is a responsibility we hold most sacred. We are committed to fact-based reporting, reasoned opinions based on facts, sourced materials, and ethical journalism. 

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